Monday, April 5, 2010

TABATA Interval Training with SOLOSTRENGTH

What is a Tabata and how is it performed?

A Tabata Interval (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval
training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by
10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four
minutes. In a group context, you can keep score by counting how many
lifts/jumps/whatever you do in each of the 20 second rounds. Usually,
the round with the smallest number is your score. You can also count
total reps completed over the whole sequence.

History of the Tabata Interval

Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its
namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National
Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking
1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports
& Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic
physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After
just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic
capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in their ability to
consume oxygen (V02Max). These results were witnessed in already
physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of
Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic
capacity than an hour of endurance exercise.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked exercise cycle
machine, you can apply this protocol to almost any exercise. For
example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed with sit-ups. The more
muscles used the better, so use full knees-bent sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop
for 20-second intervals, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a
total of 8 cycles.


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