Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vernis Blair; Big Boy takes on the SoloStrength Total Bodyweight Exercise Program!

Vernis from Higher Level Fitness was enticed to take on the SoloStrength total bodyweight exercise challenge...we went hard...a little too hard maybe :) I think he was surprised and we didn't quite get through the workout! 

He and his partner May Blaiz ( put SoloStrength FUSE into their new gym facility (Higher Level Fitness)...and we are looking forward to doing more work with them!  

Suspension training and bodyweight exercise was made popular with the Navy SEAL inspired training and the great benefits it brings in simplicity and incredible fitness. The TRX is a good system limited by needing an anchor point, and of course, patience to manage all the strapping adjustments! While you can use the TRX system with SoloStrength FUSE to add even more versatility, we haven't really seen a need for it (since you can do everything and more with the FUSE) . We are getting great feedback from people using the total body exercises and generally they love the small footprint, overall design, and versatility that the FUSE offers. Ideal for home use or personal training studios...use SoloStrength to power your high performance lifestyle! Visit us at for more information on how to get yours today!

See what happens when Vernis goes hard in the video below!

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